Updated October 2024
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall consist of four officers of the Congregation (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer), and three to five at large trustees. All officers and at-large members of the Board must be Congregation members in good standing. Officers will serve two-year terms. At Large Board Members will serve three-year terms. Officers shall not serve more than two consecutive full terms in the same office. An at-large member may only serve one 3-year term in that position. The President and Treasurer shall be elected in the same year, and the Vice President and Secretary shall be elected in the alternating year. The terms of the at-large members shall be staggered so that no more than two at-large positions expire in any given year. More than half of an unexpired term shall be considered a full term. No member of the Board may serve more than six consecutive years on the Board, but may serve again after a two-year absence from the Board.
To email all members: Board@uucharlottesville.org
Pam McIntire – President (2nd 2-year term 2023-2025)
Bev Ryan – Vice President (2nd 2-year term 2024-2026)
Kay Frazier – Treasurer (2nd 2-year term 2023-2025)
Tammy Wilt — Secretary (1st 2-year term 2024-2026)
Renee Brett – At Large (1st 3-year term 2022-2025)
Achsah Carrier – At Large (1st 3-year term 2023-2026)
John Griffith – At Large (1st 3-year term 2023-2026)
Chris Little – At Large (filled remaining 2 years of 3-year term 2022-2024): 2nd term 2024-2027
Sylvie Semmelhack — At Large (1st 3 year term 2024-2027)
Rev. Tim Temerson, Ex-officio
Rev. Leia Durland-Jones, Ex-officio
Paid Staff
Rev. Tim Temerson, Lead Minister
Rev. Leia Durland Jones, Minister of Faith Development
Rachel Buckland, Streaming Tech and Editor
Scott DeVeaux, Director of Music
Vacant, Religious Education Assistant
Carole McIvor, Office Assistant
Steve Rogers, Facilities Manager
Sandra Schwartz , Bookkeeper
Communications Contacts
If you want to:
Put a notice in or report an issue with our newsletter (note: the deadline for the Friday newsletter is Tuesday at noon):
To have your brief newsletter notice linked to a longer website post,
include that text in your email to the office and copy:
Put something on or report an issue with our website:
Mail something to a specific member:
Request a mailing to all or a group of members:
Contact a specific staff member:
Contact the office in general:
Contact the Ministers in general:
Contact the Board of Directors:
Contact a specific Board Executive Member:
Find out a member’s contact info:
Congregational Elected and Board Appointed Committees
The Nominating Committee consists of four to five congregation members elected at the annual congregational business meeting for terms of two years. The terms should be staggered so that two or three positions expire each year. One additional voting member shall serve from the Board. Email nominating@uucharlottesville.org.
Gayle Floyd – Chair
Patrick Migas
Amy Nash
Elizabeth Breeden
John Griffith, Board of Trustees Liaison
The Personnel Committee consists of five to six members of the congregation as follows: One designated member of the Board and four to five members to be elected at the annual business congregational meeting, two to three each year. The chair of the committee will be chosen by the committee. A Senior Staff member shall serve on the committee in a non voting, ex officio capacity. Members serve three year terms and may serve a second three year term if elected or appointed. Email personnel@uucharlottesville.org
Carol Gardner – Chair (2nd term 2022-2025)
Robert Brett (2023-2026)-
Janice Walker (2022-2025)
Lorie Craddock (2022-2025)
Cathy Lawder (2023-2026)
Bev Ryan, Board of Trustees Liaison
Finance Committee is an advisory body for the Treasurer and Director of Administration and Finance in decisions related to the financial health of the congregation. The Committee is responsible for reviewing monthly financial reports and preparing the proposed budget for each fiscal year. Email finance@uucharlottesville.org
Marian Wendelin – Chair
Doug Webbink
Rosalie Simari
Gloria Morgan
Carol Saliba
Kay Frazier, Board of Trustees Treasurer
The Policy Review Team is composed of three members of the Church, as follows: one Board member and two other Board-appointed members of the congregation who are not currently serving on the Board. Policy Review Team members will serve for two years and for no more than two consecutive full terms.
Elizabeth Breeden
Sandy Brooks 2021-2023
Beverly Ryan, Board of Trustees Member
The Committee on the Ministry consists of at least three members of the Church, serving two-year staggered terms. Terms are renewable for one additional two-year term. More than half of an unexpired term shall be considered a full term. The Board shall select members of the committee from a list of nominees submitted by the Minister(s). Email com@uucharlottesville.org
Stewardship Steering Committee is a newly formed Board Committee to strengthen our financial health by developing and supporting short and long-term priorities that nurture a culture of giving, through the responsible development, planning, and management of the congregation’s resources. Email: ssc@uucharlottesville.org
Renee Brett
Sandy Brooks
Jimmy Gorham
Ann Salamini
Kay Frazier, Board of Trustees Member
Rev. Tim Temerson
Ad Hoc Board Task Forces, Councils and Committees
Glen Short Capital Endowment Fund
Sally Taylor, Chair
Don Landis
Bev Ryan
Dick Somer
Church Councils
Church Councils facilitate the exchange of information among their constituent committees. Each Council shall meet at least three times a year. The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for the creation and/or dissolution of each Council. The Board shall approve which committees and groups are represented on each Council. Council Chairs serve a two-year term and shall attend meetings of the Council Chairs when called by the Vice President.
Worship Groups
Worship Weavers, Angela Orebaugh, Frank Duke and Tori Goodloe
Labyrinth, Patty Wallens
Sunday Ushers, Marcia Brecker
Lifespan Faith Development
Spiritual Book Group, Tammy Wilt & Jeaning Braithwaite
Adult Faith Development, Rev. Leia Durland-Jones
Children & Youth Religious Education Committee, Elaine Chapman
Active Minds, Facilitator: Diana Scott
CareNet, Lara Gastinger, Sandy Brooks
Covenant Group Steering Committee, Diana Scott
History Committee, Wayne Arneson and Sally Taylor
Hospitality & Coffee Service, Lorie Craddock & David Shutt
Membership & Sunday Greeters Kate Soderman
Pastoral Care Team, Patty Wallens, Meg Dunham
UU Guys, John Nolen & Davit Schutt
Women’s Friendship Group, Email: womensfriendship@uucharlottesville.org to be added to the group google list to hear about upcoming events.
Young Adults Group, Hayley Owens & Carissa Temerson
Social Justice, Chairs Elizabeth Breeden & Karen Prairie 2021-2023
Food Pantry, Carol Saliba & Elizabeth Breeden,
IHS Meal Packets, Terry Epp
IMPACT, Rev. Susan Karlson, Kelser Cowger & Meg Dunham
Ministry for Earth, Ellie Syverud & Kim Grover
PACEM, Gloria Morgan & Elizabeth Breeden
Social Action Collection, Elizabeth Breeden
Soup Kitchen, Bonnie Hansen & Elizabeth Breeden
Art Show, Elizabeth Breeden
Auction, Elizabeth Breeden, Kay Frazier, Bev Ryan
Buildings Committee, Lorie Craddock, Elizabeth Breeden, Beverly Gorham, Kim Grover, Jude Bias
Communications Committee & Website, Achsah Carrier, Jude Bias, Angela Orebaugh, Joanna Hickman
Finance Depositors, Julianne Allen, Marvin Edwards, Trudy Rohm, Ann Salamini, Marian Wendelin
Fundraising, Bev Ryan, Elizabeth Breeden, Ellie Syverud & Kay Frasier
Gardens and Grounds Committee,Walter Hoffman & John Nolen
Remembrance Garden Committee, Elizabeth Breeden
Yard Sale, Lorie Craddock & Ellie Syverud