When Can Church Open Again?

Dear Beloved Community

As always, our congregation seeks to balance the needs of the individual with the needs of the group, and we balance covenant with policy. The pandemic has been a time of rapid change and confusion for many organizations, including ours. Our staff has been focused on keeping Sunday programming and basic pastoral care in place, but now we are turning our eyes toward safe reopening. These conversations are happening with the Board, the Staff, the Committee on Ministry, and the Medical Advisory Team leaders.

The church is not open now but we have identified three phases of our eventual reopening:

-Phase One of reopening the building is likely to begin in late summer, when small groups of 10 or less may gather.
-Phase Two is yet to be defined in the church setting.
-Phase Three is likely in Spring 2021, for Sanctuary worship and Religious Education classes.

There are some exceptions for building use right now:

– construction by the Glenn Short Trust
– staff who need to do essential activities in the building
– depositors
– cleaning contractors
– food bank
– weddings or memorials of 10 or less as arranged with staff

These groups coordinate their arrivals and departures with Sean, our Director of Administration and Finance. Their safety protocols include: a sign in sheet, hand sanitizer, masks, refrain from eating together, distance by six-feet, and one-person-at-a-time in the bathrooms. The church buildings are not available for any other groups at this time.

The grounds are available for people who want to do gardening, landscaping or other maintenance around TJMC. The grounds are also available for people who want to drop by to enjoy the sacred outdoor spaces at our church. In all cases, no more than five people should be in any group using the church grounds. If possible, please notify the staff you plan to use the grounds. Please wear masks and practice social distancing at all times. The bathrooms are unavailable to those on the grounds and we ask that you do not enter the church buildings if you find them unlocked.

It is sad and difficult not being able to gather together and everyone is encouraged to find creative ways to nourish and care for each other safely outside the church buildings and grounds. Please continue to send cards in the mail, participate in zoom meetings, and call each other on the phone. As time passes, we need to keep our spirits up and our connections strong so that safety and good health can remain our

Thanks to all!

Lorie Craddock, Board President,
Sean Skally, Director of Administration and Finance