Welcome (Afghan) Refugees! Update 2024

In early autumn 2021, UUCville was approved by the International Refugee Committee (IRC) to sponsor a refugee family from Afghanistan and a new outreach ministry began! Two UUCville groups were formed: Mentors and Planners (settlers) to aid directly in the settlement of the not-yet-assigned-to-us family. Immediately after UUCville was approved by IRC, a successful fund raising effort was undertaken, collecting not only monetary funds, but household items as well. In less than two months items to furnish a complete household were accumulated from kitchen towels to living room furniture and everything in between.

“Our” family of four (father, mother, young adult son, pre teen son) arrived in Charlottesville and were moved into the house that had been found for them by the Mentors and settled by the Planners, on Christmas Day 2021!

Refugee Welcome. Front Row: Breck Gastinger, Nasrat, Haji Muhammad, Hikmat, Saeeda, Regina White, and her daughter Second Row: Lara Gastinger, Sharon Baiocco , Burnie Davis, Rev. Tim Temersen
Front Row: Breck Gastinger, Nasrat, Haji Muhammad, Hikmat, Saeeda, Regina White, and her daughter Second Row: Lara Gastinger, Sharon Baiocco , Burnie Davis, Rev. Tim Temersen. (May 2023 Visit by the Ghaznavis family to the UUCville campus)

Over the years, the family has flourished. Nasrat, the older son, quickly found work which began part time and became full time due to his exemplary performance The father, Haji Mohammad, also became gainfully employed. Hikmat, the pre-teen son who has  an injury due to the effects of a bomb blast suffered as a toddler, was integrated into medical services, and began attending special classes at Albemarle High School. Saeeda, the mother, is a traditional Afghan wife and mother. She’s a gracious hostess, slowly learning English and began attending a local social group for Afghan women—Charlottesville Tulips.

Update October 2024:

The entire family is awaiting processing for green cards!


Nasrat been promoted in his job and has been offered another promotion. He turned down the last promotion as he would like to find a job with regular hours so that he can regularly attend school in the evening to finish his degree in computer science. Additionally, he is working a second job as a translator. He was married this summer to a local Afghan young woman, who has lived in the US for seven years. She works as a dental assistant and is attending VCU to become a dental hygienist.


Saeeda and Hikmat

Hikmat is still attending special classes at Albemarle High School and is learning some English.


Saeeda continues to work at learning English, loves the Tulip group, and is walking each day for exercise.


Haji Mohammad

“Our” family became financially self sufficient in less than a year, they have full time jobs, they have become established in stable and comfortable housing, they have developed a community, and they have obtained permanent asylum status. This with support from the Mentors and the IRC. However, even with the support they have received, it is their initiative, perseverance, integrity, and work ethic that are at the root of their success.

They emphasize over and over how grateful they are to UUCville and tell us they consider the UUCville family their family.

Another way we practice Love in Action.