This Sunday after the service, we need you to sign up for a cottage conversation as we develop a new mission/purpose for UUCville. The conversations will be held between mid-February and mid-March and will include both in person and online options. You only need to sign up for one of the conversations. If you are attending the service in person this Sunday, please be sure to stop by the Mission Task Force table in the Social Hall after the service. If you need an incentive, there will be cake and other goodies! Those attending the service online should stay on the zoom session when the service ends. A member of the task force will be present to answer questions and sign you up for one of the conversations.
See You Sunday!
The Mission Planning Task Force
Chris Little and Jeanine Braithwaite (co-chairs)
Achsah Carrier
Breck Gastinger
Pam McIntire
Rev. Tim