Tuesday, May 26.
As Virginia has long been a beloved member of our congregation, we want to celebrate this very special event with her. But, with current COVID-19 restrictions, we need a way that will involve the most people, but safely. Soooooo…
And absolutely EVERYONE is invited to participate.
HERE’S THE PLAN: On Tuesday, May 26th, between 10:30 and 11:00 AM we will meet on the east side (Hillsdale Drive side) of the parking lot of the Hillsdale Drive Food Lion. If you wish to decorate your car with streamers or signs or other fancy stuff, that would be wonderful. I’m sure, with all the creative minds at TJMC, we will have some FABULOUS decorations!
At 11:00, we will drive onto Hillsdale, slowly heading south past Rosewood Village. As we near Rosewood, honk your horns!!!! The Rosewood staff will have Virginia out on the patio so she can see and hear HER parade. Virginia’s daughter, Mary, will be at Rosewood and Dan Grogan has agreed to take photos. Stop honking at Greenbrier and disperse.
This will also be a great time for everyone of every age in our congregation to get together but, PLEASE, wear your face masks and keep a safe distance from each other.
Any questions? Contact JJ Towler, 434 989-6633
Early Memories of TJMC-UU (a 2-minute story)
By Virginia R. James, January 27, 2020
At the age of 99, I’m probably the only one alive who remembers the very first minister, Malcomb Sutherland. When we felt our three children should be in Sunday School – but not wanting either of the ones we’d attended – a friend of my husband’s urged him to consider the new church on Rugby Road, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Unitarian. We were going to try it as a family group, but an unruly child meant my husband had to make the first visit alone. He was so pleased with the presentation of the Church School that he signed us all up on that first visit.
We were immediately delighted with the Church School program and the Minister’s messages. We were almost immediately put to work, which made us feel like welcome additions. Our long careers here include my husband as Church Treasurer and Chair of the Board of Directors. I was a member of the Women’s Alliance and served as its President. I was also a Church School teacher and served as Religious Education Director for a while. Our children were involved as well.
My membership has also included three family Memorial Services and two Weddings. This church has been a happy home for me for more than 65 years!
More Recent Activities of Virginia James at TJMC
Virginia is a long-time participant of the Active Minds group at TJMC. This is a group of elders who meet weekly to share news of their interests and activities, and discuss local or national news or selected topics on occasion as well.
At age 94 Virginia began writing a weekly poem based on a word given to her by family members. This was her challenge to herself to keep her mind alert. She has now self-published three books of 52 weekly poems each, illustrated with sketches by Barbara Yeaman (still in her 90s).
Virginia’s poems all rhyme, and she specializes in exploring alternative meanings for the selected words. The poetry books are purchased by friends and relatives. All net proceeds are given to charity.
Here is an example from Book Three.
One more coat of paint should do
and have it looking just like new.
I hope the painter’s words are right
‘cuz it has been a dreadful sight.
You’d better honey-coat that word.
Just think about the way it’s heard.
I know you want to sway the crowd,
but certain talk is not allowed.
This party’s quite a grand affair.
You must be careful what you wear.
We know the ladies will look grand,
so coat and tie for every man.
That coat of arms up on the wall
is there to show to one and all
that someone in the family line
for royalty did something fine.
It may be summer time, and yet
it’s been a while since sun has set.
The evening can be rather cool.
A light coat’s not too bad a rule.