VIDEO: Words of Encouragement from Alex on March 18


March 18, 2020
Greetings Dear Congregation:

During these new and unusual times, our spiritual community is a continued source of comfort and courage.

Whatever you usually do to connect yourself to hope and wisdom are exactly what can help you right now. Studies show that stressors are released more quickly when a person uses spiritual practices. I encourage you to keep your routines even if you are in a different location. On Sundays, we still have our shared time to light a chalice, hear words of inspiration, and engage in meditation or prayer. Please go to the church website each Sunday morning at 10:15 to say the words of the chalice lighting together and find the worship link for the morning []. Leia Durland-Jones, Director of Faith Development, is making sure we have worship options for all ages.

Last week our guest speaker recorded worship, and you can go back and watch it here This coming Sunday we will join Richmond Unitarian in their online worship. Each week after that we will continue to have meaningful worship experiences in creative ways.

You can support fellow congregants by reaching out with a check in phone call, sending an uplifting text message or email, or putting a card in the mail. Researchers have documented that even a few words of care and concern give great emotional benefit and connection to a person facing uncertainty.

Thank you so much to those who have mailed checks to the church, without being asked! Giving regularly is part of healthy habits of congregational life. The generosity gives me goosebumps: taking initiative to make sure that our financial health is upheld.

My heart was warmed to hear about the video meeting of teens in our congregation on Sunday—this shared connection gives them positive outlets during a time of change. Thanks to Larry Moulis, Karen Prarie and Mitch Powers for getting that organized!

There’s so many more tidbits I could share, but mostly I want you to know that the staff is making a graceful pivot to operating in these new circumstances. Congregational members are continuing to connect and live our values together. I’ve just posted a video greeting, and I hope you find it helpful.

Words of Encouragement from Rev. Alex McGee

Rev. Alexandra McGee, MDiv., BCC