VIDEO: Task Force to Explore Ordaining Leia

The Task Force to Explore Ordaining Leia recorded the “Dreaming Your Soul’s Purpose” service and Leia’s sermon is available to watch here. Many of you have asked what ministry means to Leia; here’s the answer, in her own words.

We will host a conversation with Leia Wednesday evening, March 11 at 6:30 in the social hall. Come and bring any questions about ordination and ministry that you’d like to ask Leia.

On March 29 at the Congregational Meeting 29 after the service, the congregation will vote on the question of ordaining Leia.  This is a critical vote for TJMC Please make sure to attend. We need every congregant to come to be a part of this vote.  Child care will be provided and there will be pizza for sale for a quick lunch that you may take into the sanctuary for the meeting.

As the task force has explored the question of ordaining Leia, we have been amazed to discover all Leia does for our church.  She works well beyond her position as the Director of Faith Development.  She is a minister to us providing pastoral care, stewardship, administration, spiritual development, rites of passage, worship, senior leadership and overall care for our congregation.  She is well trained, wise, and experienced and she is steadfast in her commitment to our UU principles and our church.  She is one of our ministers.

After considerable research, thought, and discussions, the Task Force to Explore Ordaining Leia is making a unanimous and strong recommendation that the congregation vote to ordain Leia as our Minister of Faith Development, the Reverend Leia Durland-Jones.