UUCville Ready to Help Post-Election

We know that this historic election is highly contentious, and there are many fears about what might happen in the days and weeks following its conclusion.  UUCville ministers, Board and staff have been considering how we might be supportive to our community should civil unrest arise. Your ministers have been staying in touch with Unitarian Universalist and interfaith partner congregations to explore ways to offer care and supportive for our community and our congregation.

To be prepared to respond quickly, we would appreciate knowing who among us would be willing to be called upon, should the need arise:  Please go to the Google Form to let us know what role you would be able to play: https://forms.gle/VnxSUT3gi6WyUCVC8.

We cannot predict the future, so we aren’t sure what we might be facing or even when as the reverberations of the election roll out.  We are hoping for the best, but preparing to help if the worst happens.

Scheduled Events

Tuesday Nov 3 [Election Day]
The Charlottesville Clergy Collective is coordinating volunteer pastoral presence for long polling lines.

Wednesday, Nov 4
6:30pm  Post-Election Vespers service, on Zoom

Join us here: https://zoom.us/j/92398517794
Meeting id: 92398517794. Call in: 646-558-8656

Thursday, Nov 5
8:00-9:15 PM UU the Vote Nationwide Vigil & Community Gathering (RSVP on Facebook)