UUCville Facilities Use Guide for UUCville groups

(updated 6/28/2022)


Our facilities use guide is based upon the goal to cause as little harm as possible to those in our community and congregation who are the most susceptible to COVID-19. With this goal in mind, our guidelines are more cautious than the State or Federal Guidelines. We appreciate your cooperation with keeping our congregation safe.

  1. Facilities are defined as the main building and Summit House. Grounds are defined as all outdoor spaces.
  2. Please contact Sean Skally the DAF or Leigha Rae the Office Assistant if you have any questions. 
  3. We ask that anyone who uses the building be vaccinated if they are able to get the vaccine.
  4. People are asked to stay away from our facilities if:
    1. They are sick with COVID-19
    2. They have symptoms consistent with COVID-19
    3. They have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 and they are not vaccinated.

*** Anyone who feels ill, whether or not they are diagnosed with COVID-19 or have been in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 should not come to our facilities or grounds.

While inside the building:

  • We require KN-95 or N-95 masks to be worn appropriately while inside the building. Masks are provided near each entrance. Donations to help defray the costs of masks are appreciated.
  • Please try to keep socially distant (6’) from those outside of your household.
  • Please do not consume food or drinks.
  • Please keep bathroom occupancy to 1, with 15 minutes between use.
  • Please open all doors and windows as possible in the space you are using. 
  • Please make sure any provided air purifiers or fans are used, and are turned off before leaving.
  • There will be a mandatory two hour wait period between different groups using the same facilities

Occupancy Limits:

Area and Max # of people

Sanctuary 100
Social Hall & Kitchen 30
LH1 & LH2 (combined) 25
Parlor 10
Upstairs Rooms 10
LH3 5
Grounds Unlimited

While on outside on church grounds:

  • Masking is not required
  • Eating and drinking is okay
  • If entering a building, please put on an approved mask
  • Please do not come to the grounds if you are il

Google Docs version of this information
