What a Year It’s Been!
Through careful fiscal management and the generosity of members’ pledges and donations to special projects, UUCville has been able to undertake multiple much-needed projects on our buildings and grounds.
Key Improvements
Summit House Porch Replacement
In January, the much-used Summit House porch was replaced! This huge undertaking included replacing the footers, decking, rails, fascia boards, and more.
Walkway Safety Upgrade
The unsafe slate walkways were removed from the social area. As a temporary solution until a comprehensive grounds plan is developed, crushed stone was laid down.
Flooding Solution
The Buildings Committee discovered why the downstairs has been flooding over the last two years. A large drain in the stairwell was not draining properly. Now unclogged by professionals, the downstairs has remained dry during recent heavy rains. Keep your fingers crossed! Additional stormwater management projects are needed and this was a good start.
Improved Lighting
The parking lot lights have been replaced and now shine brightly to illuminate your way, especially helpful now that it’s getting dark earlier.
Tree Care
The Gardens and Grounds Committee, especially John Nolan, were instrumental in getting much-needed tree work done to our beautiful mighty oak trees and ash borer treatment for our ash trees. This is the beginning phase of more tree work in the coming years.
Campus Grounds
Our church campus boasts stunning grounds, lovingly tended by our dedicated grounds crew. This year, their hard work has cultivated numerous tranquil spaces, celebrating nature’s splendor and offering serene retreats for all visitors to reflect and unwind.

Fire Safety Upgrade
A new fire alarm system was installed on the main floor of the church building and Summit House. We are currently getting a quote for updates to the downstairs fire alarm system.
Door Repairs and Replacements
The money from Glenn Short’s bequest continued to do good things. The front sanctuary doors have been repaired, and hopefully, soon, the Edgewood doors will be replaced.
Your Support Matters
Caring for our campus to make it a safe and welcoming place for all of us takes careful planning and fiscal management. We are grateful to all who participate.
If you would like to help, the Gardens and Grounds Committee would be happy to hear from you! Contact John at grounds@uucharlottesville.org