Update from the Developmental Minister Search Committee, January 17

Representatives from the Board and the Developmental Search Committee hosted two Congregational Conversations (12/14/2021 and 12/19/2021) to talk over the goals for the Developmental Ministry to go in the application for a Developmental Minister. The Committee also met with Reverend Tyler Coles of the UUA Southern Region to get advice on the search process and on stating our goals. All three conversations were extremely helpful in refining our goals for the application, in thinking about important strengths we need in a Developmental Minister and in thinking about the needs of our congregation as we grow and change.

We refined our statement of goals for the Developmental Minister application by making the statements briefer and more clear. We also made a list of notes of the important parts of each of these goals and ideas of how we might proceed on achieving these goals. We included many of the comments from the Congregational Conversations in the other parts of the application. Here are the goals we submitted with the application:

  1. We want to define a broad shared vision of our purpose for being a congregation so that we can feel energized, dedicated, and aligned in the use of our resources.
  2. We want to be a more welcoming, inclusive, and anti-racist congregation, cultivating greater diversity in our membership and stronger engagement with the broader Charlottesville community
  3. We want to strengthen our Stewardship Ministry to manifest passionate support of our mission with 7me, wisdom, and finances.
  4. We want to strengthen our internal processes and communication skills, build trust, and become more emotionally and operationally functional than we have been historically.

We submitted the application to the UUA Transitions office. We hope to hear about interested applicants sometime in February and begin Zoom interviews soon thereafter. If we are successful in hiring a Developmental Minister, that person would begin at UUCville in August 2022.

We greatly appreciate all the conversations and the participation of so many people in this process. It is good to be a part of such an involved community! If you have any questions about the Developmental Minister search, please contact Pam McIntire at president@uucharlottesville.org