TJMC is Renewal

Without an investment of energy, everything falls into disrepair. This is as true of our spiritual lives as it is of our buildings. The energy we’ve put into our physical surroundings this year has created new spaces to gather, and it’s lifted our spirits as well.

I am impressed this year by the planning and follow-through of our congregation’s leaders.  A member for 10 years, I felt disconnected in recent years because I was disappointed at the pace of change, the difficulty of self-evaluating and responding, and what I perceived as unexciting worship services. After over six years of hard work, the Facilities Task Force I served on has delighted me with the changes in the Lower Level, the addition of the elevator, and repairs to Summit House. We sold U-House, developed a plan, and reinvested in our facilities, with wonderful results.  I also applaud the Pulse Survey team, and the Board and staff for hearing us and acting to address our concerns.  Finally, I am happy to see that the time spent in Strategic Planning over several years has produced a blueprint for our future that is actually being used! So many of us work very hard, often for years, to make changes happen, and I am grateful and thrilled to witness our renewal!

–Sharon Baiocco

photo-lower-meetingThe total project–Summit and Lower Hall–has been brought in for just about budget, ($475k) which is amazing, and contrary to what a few people felt was possible. Our contractor, Martin Horn, did a fantastic job. We owe them a big thank you, especially Dennis Harris and his super, Elaine.

Both projects I believe achieved their primary objectives. We stabilized Summit House, and made it a warm and safe place to meet and support the ministries of our church. We have turned the limited use, basement of the main building into a fully accessible, warm, inviting, modern, bright, and multi-use Lower Hall. I am so pleased with how it all turned out.

–Ian Sole


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