TJMC is Good Governance

Our Fifth Principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large

Try as we might, we don’t always get it right. But sometimes, even when we get it wrong, we get it right.

I was a member of TJMC-UU’s 2015 Survey Committee. You may be surprised to hear that this experience was truly inspiring. The survey effort was no easy task, from crafting the questions to absorbing and analyzing the responses. We heard open, frank and honest answers. Although there was deserved praise, many survey participants said they were not happy with their church experience. Some of the concerns and comments broke our hearts. As a committee, we knew that this information would be difficult to report back and especially hard for congregants and staff to hear. How would we write this, knowing its impact?

The 2016-2017 Board of Trustees

In 40 years of working in healthcare and nonprofits, I have never witnessed a group more concerned, deliberate and thoughtful about how to craft a report. Over a period of many months,  we had dozens of
meetings and heartfelt discussions on how  to gently, kindly and yet responsibly represent the
voices we heard. The heart, the talent and the integrity of this group surpassed any group with which I’ve been honored to work. Some nights were as raw as the data itself. It was a privilege to witness the depth of quality as each member brought their best talents, kindness and faith to each part of the process. We knew that the information we would deliver would be painful for some, and for others, unwelcome. As the messengers, we knew we might be blamed or discredited. In this committee, I saw our UU principles of faith in action. It changed me. It impressed me. It inspired me. It still does.

I am grateful to have been a part of it and for the opportunity to get to know such courageous women. I am also grateful to be part of a church that can listen and respond.

–Carol Wise

I am impressed this year by the planning and follow-through of our congregation’s leaders.  After over six years of hard work, the Facilities Task Force I served on has delighted me with the changes in the Lower Level, the addition of the elevator, and repairs to Summit House. We sold U-House, developed a plan, and reinvested in our facilities, with wonderful results.  I also applaud the Pulse Survey team, and the Board and staff for hearing us and acting to address our concerns. Finally, I am happy to see that the time spent in Strategic Planning over several years has produced a blueprint for our future that is actually being used! So many of us work very hard, often for years, to make changes happen, and I am grateful and thrilled to witness our renewal!

–Sharon Baiocco