TJMC is a Hope for Peace

Our Sixth Principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.

We see a world plagued by poverty, conflict, discrimination, and we are called to act. We stand in silent witness, we speak out, we support with our money and our actions. We act locally and we act globally to affirm we are one human family, knowing that without justice for all, there will be no peace.

photo-socialjustice-potluckThe prevention of unnecessary death is my primary life concern.  Being part of the TJMC Peace Action United Nations Committee allows me join others to learn more and share information with the congregation.  People like Mary Rose Curtis and Al Reynolds have been doing this work for years and it’s an honor to get to know them, learn from them, and help spread the word.  Being in the safe spiritual environment of TJMC comforts me and helps me keep hope alive.

–Kate Fraleigh

TJMC sponsors a monthly food pantry and a weekly soup kitchen

I used to think the world would be saved by those who could elegantly argue for what’s right. But now I realize it’ll be saved by people who can teach us how not to. It will be saved by people who put the idea of peace ahead of their own agenda; by people who accept each other without first evaluating each other’s ideologies.

–Adam Slate

Adam’s words are from a sermon on our Sixth Principle, which he delivered at the Rockbridge Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in November, 2015. You can read the entire sermon here.