Tips for Healing Earth #14 — INTERBEING

#14 – 2/18/2022


What is the spiritual foundation of environmental action? To Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh, our existence is interdependent with all life and “change is possible only if there is a recognition that people and the planet are ultimately one and the same.” Have you experienced interbeing? Have you felt the earth crying in your heart?

Today’s Tips:

The Earth is Crying in Our Hearts — Tara Brach

A brilliant explanation of interbeing, why it’s important and things that tend to block it. Next week, we’ll feature the second of her talks on the subject, where she provides steps to overcoming obstacles and realizing interbeing.

Clouds in Each Paper – Thich Nhat Hanh

A short essay discussing interbeing using an example of a piece of paper. Challenge yourself to discuss interbeing using other examples.

The UUCC Active Hope faith development group will be discussing interbeing at its meeting at 3p on Feb 19. Use the email address below to request the Zoom link.


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