UUCville and Unitarian Universalism are committed to “Anticipatory Resistance,” meaning we are not going to meekly accept the harm caused by unjust executive orders without pushing back and we are not going to wait or hesitate to make our voices heard and to put love into action. The time for action is now and UUCville is ready. — Rev Tim Temerson
Visit the Take Action table in the social hall every Sunday to meet others and learn more about how you can take action to preserve our rights, our democracy and our country.
Contact Your Representatives
Send email or call to express your opinion. You can leave voicemail. They count these call and they write back to you. Your opinion matters (even to those you didn’t vote for)!
Your senators: Sen. Mark Warner : (202) 224-2023 Sen. Tim Kaine : (202) 224-4024
Find out who represents you and get contact info
Here’s how to be effective
5 Calls, A website that helps you make calls
Join the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s Resistance Network
UUSC is launching the Resistance Network—a mobilization hub designed to take immediate action when civil liberties, democracy, and human rights are at risk. The threats we face are vast, but history shows us that resistance works when we act together. JOIN HERE
Upcoming Local & Nearby Events
March 26. UVA Walkout 11:30 AM on the South Steps of the Rotunda. Hands off our students. Hands off Gaza. RELEASE Mahmoud Khalil. Ice off our campuses. Students, faculty, and community members are welcome
April 2. Join Planned Parenthood at the Supreme Court. Register for the bus ride from Charlottesville here https://www.weareplannedparenthood.org/a/bus-sign-form. Planned Parenthood will be rallying outside of the Supreme Court with 5,000 activists on Wednesday, April 2 to ensure they know we aren’t backing down. We need you to join us!
April 5. Hands Off 2025 mass mobilization. Local plans for the April 5 Hands Off mobilization coming soon from Indivisible Charlottesville! Meanwhile, for those of you who want to go from Charlottesville to DC, YES there is a bus! We understand this bus, organized by the Sierra Club with support from Indivisible Charlottesville, will leave from the Albemarle County Office Building lot at 401 McIntire Rd. PURCHASE BUS TICKETS ONLINE ($42.00 each)
April 7. Albemarle County Board of Supervisors budget work session on funding affordable housing. County Hall, 3-5 PM. Our partners at IMPACT shared this good news — Affordable Housing is IMPACT’s top priority this year.
April 8. Charlottesville IMPACT Nehemiah Action 6:30-8:00 PM at Charlottesville High School. Focus on Affordable Housing. For more information email UUCville’s Kelsey Cowger. IMPACT@uucharlottesville.org
Our partners at IMPACT shared the good news that on April 7 Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has scheduled a budget work session on funding affordable housing. We hope this means they are taking IMPACT’s request seriously.
Help protect the right to protest. Friend of UUCville, Donna Shaunesey wrote with this request: “I’ve been a Legal Observer for many years and we are super-short staffed now. So there’s a recruitment drive going on now. https://fs3.formsite.com/SQTr9J/form1/index There’s a short training and then you get paired up with an experienced LO to learn the ropes. In case you aren’t familiar: when we’re asked by a group doing a protest we are there to protect First Amendment rights by documenting any interference. We work through the National Lawyers Guild, but most of us aren’t lawyers. Protests are on the rise and so is repression. Please join us!”

Charlottesville Stand Up For Science, March 2025
Postcard for Voter Turnout
Join fellow UUs and write postcards to encourage voter turnout. Postcard packets will be available in the church office starting this Sunday. Each packet has 20 cards, addresses, a sample card with the message, and stamps. They are not to be mailed until May 1st – you can either mail them yourself or return to the Office. If we get these all completed, we will get more so please write them as soon as you can. Please contact environment@uucharlottesville if you have questions. Let’s put our love into action and write!!
Local Organizing Groups
Indivisible Charlottesville: Empowering citizens. Defending democracy. Holding government accountable.
Our local branch of the nationwide Indivisible movement organizes action in the Charlottesville area. Upcoming activities are posted there. Sign up to work with others taking action. Follow them on Facebook

Protest at UVa Board meeting about trans kids rights
UUCville Social Justice Projects
In line with our long range plan, UUCville is partnering with local organizations to do good work in our community. Sustaining our community is a vital element of resistance.
Volunteer with UUCville projects supporting our area
Shop Your Faith
Spend your money with companies that support our values, not with companies that are working against us. For example, spend your money with local businesses that you know and trust and with with national companies that resist pressure to shut down diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. Kroger and Costco have have defended their DEI programs. Amazon, Target and Walmart have rolled them back.
THE BLUE HANDBOOK ON HOW TO FIGHT BACK WITH YOUR DOLLARS: Search for a brand and see its political donations.
Unitarian Universalist Action
UU Side With Love Action Center the Organizing Strategy Team of the Unitarian Universalist Association
- Responding and Organizing in Authoritarian Times
- Weekly Action Update-something new to read, see and do every week
UUs for Justice in the Middle East Unitarian Universalists working to educate and mobilize people in our faith to greater understanding and action for a just peace in Palestine/Israel.
Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice. Working to advance equitable national policies and actions, aligned with UU values, through engagement, education, and advocacy.
Read: Sources recommended by others at UUCville
Charlottesville Tomorrow Local news that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive
Chop Wood, Carry Water a political actions newsletter.
Democracy Forward uses the law to build collective power and advance a bold, vibrant, democracy for all people. Their news and updates remind us that people are taking action across the country.