Wait! What? Support the Porch? Tell me more….
Certainly. This message is also about

The porch foundation of our heavily used Summit House requires our care and financial investment.

A column supporting the corner of the porch is twisted. Upon inspection by three separate licensed building contractors, it has been determined that for the continued safe use of the porch, the footings need to be replaced under each porch post, as well as the porch deck floor and the handicap ramps.

The total estimated cost of this project is $38,250.
Our Finance Committee has provided a breakdown of how we can pay for most of the repairs:
- Capital Reserve – $10,000 funded through net revenue from FY 22-23 approved by the Board
- Bristol Fund – $3,250 approved by the Bristol Fund Trustees
- Endowment – $15,000 approved by the Board
- Minister’s Discretionary Fund – $2,000 approved by Rev Tim
Funds from these four accounts total $30,250 leaving a shortfall of $8,000.
The shortfall is where we UUCville congregants and friends can join together to Support the Porch by investing in its repair.
It seems fortuitous that Summit House’s need comes during the season of Giving Tuesday—a world-wide practice on November 28 that encourages people to practice heartfelt generosity and to do good.