How To Support Leia’s Ordination

The Ordination Committee is delighted with the plans for Leia’s ordination! With joy and celebration, our congregation and honored guests will be a part of two sacred events.

A formal ordination ceremony via Zoom on October 18 at 4:00pm and a parade afterwards.

An in-person celebration when it is safe to all get together again.

The Finance Committee has given the Ordination Committee special permission to solicit donations for Leia’s ordination (as is the policy for all ordinations).

Give from a bank account or credit card using these links:

Give through Breeze Direct

Give through Give Lively

Text to Give: ORDLEIA to 44-321

Donations will be used for both events, for honoraria and for the gift for Leia from the congregation. Any surplus will be given to the Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA) Endowment and the congregation’s Cheetham Endowment.

We are asking for many contributions of $20 per person to show the congregation’s support for Leia’s ordination. Donations can be given via these links:

We look forward to having you as a part of both the ordination on October 18 and the celebration at a later date!