Looking for Community!

Spring Services Auction

In the Spring and Fall we feature a Services Auction, a chance for you to offer a dinner or special outing, or a service of work or expertise, to your fellow church members.  We also accept donations of those things that are too wonderful to just give away, yet your family doesn’t want them (art, jewelry and collectables) and help the church at the same time.  In the past we have enjoyed bird watching, kayaking, game night, chocolate & a movie, childcare, and some of the most delightful dinners you can imagine with our church friends.  We are accepting donations now through April 21st.  A catalogue of the resulting donations will then be available, with the live event on May 3rd.

Click here to donate an item!

Pre-Auction Information


For those who prefer paper forms, a printable PDF version is available. Simply click here to download, complete, and return it to us at the auction table in the Social Hall on Sundays after the service or drop it by the office.

DONATIONS for the auction close on April 21st. Contributing a service, experience or meal is a wonderful way to support UUCville and to get to better know fellow congregants, creating friendships that last a lifetime.

For this auction, we are looking for activities (meals and experiences) scheduled between late May 2025 and early fall 2025:

  • Host a dinner or an event scheduled between late May 2025 and early fall of 2025
  • Host an experience for children: pool party, game afternoon with food, lead a hike
  • Offer specialty food or dinner delivered to the winner
  • Offer food to go (a cake, some soup, be creative!)
  • Offer a class or service using your expertise or labor
  • Encourage your kids to donate to rake leaves or polish silver or babysit (bwahahaha)
  • Lead an adventure… a hike, kayaking, canoeing, birding 
  • Teach a skill to adults or children
  • Offer the use of a vacation home between late May 2025 and spring of 2026

If the thought of putting on a dinner by yourself intimidates you, team up with someone else! And remember, we want dinners and events in all price ranges, from the simplest to the fanciest. Stuck for ideas? Not sure if your offering is appropriate for the auction? Send an email to the auction team—they’re here to help!

Contact your auction team at auction@uucharlottesville.org

Desire some fellowship while helping your church community? Find out how you can help with the auction, email: auction@uucharlottesville.org