Social Justice Projects
Unitarian Universalists have a legacy of “deeds not creeds.” Our work for a better world calls us to unexpected places as we harness love’s power to stop oppression, address systemic injustice and address emergency needs of those in our community.
A focus on justice is a key element of many Sunday worship services as well as a large part of our lives throughout the rest of the week. Every month we collect funds for local social causes during one of our services. Groups work actively in support of anti-racism, community organizing, serving our region’s poor, and for many other causes.
To volunteer or learn more, contact
07 Mar
04 Apr
CITY OF PROMISE, Our Newest Partner!
Join us in building stronger families! We’re excited to partner with City of Promise on their innovative “Nurturing Neighborhood” program. Through this initiative, volunteer teams become extended family for Charlottesville families, offering support with daily tasks and creating lasting community bonds.
If you are interested in being part of a UUCville extended family team, please email Rev. Tim
Read about CIty of Promise
Read about Nurturing Neighborhood
As part of UU Congregation of Charlottesville’s partnerships with African-American faith communities and the goal of supporting Black-owned businesses, UUCville is participating in an Ebenezer Baptist Church initiative to promote and support local black farmers. We made a donation to a farmers’ market Ebenezer recently sponsored and we have now been invited to join the Ebenezer community in purchasing meat and produce from Cattle Run Farm, which is an African-American-owned farm in Ruckersville that utilizes sustainable farming practices. Please click here for more information on how to order.
Volunteers distribute food acquired from the Food Bank to families in need on the first Friday of each month. Anyone in need is served. Customers receive food in our Summit House parking lot at 703 Rugby Road from 9 AM to 10 AM. Volunteers are needed to unload the truck, set out food on tables, and help with distribution from 8:15 to 10:15 on each first Friday of the month. If you are in need of food, please click here for more information on our distribution process.
Contact: Elizabeth Breeden
Our team collaborates with 25 other local congregations to promote progressive social change within the Charlottesville/Albemarle community. Helps organize 1500 to 2000 members annually to address the need for institutional change to improve the lives of under-served and marginalized people in our community.
IMPACT = Interfaith Movement Promoting Action by Congregations Together
Keep up with IMPACT News. Contact: Kelsey CowgerMINISTRY FOR EARTH
Our mission is to inspire, support and promote our active commitment to stewardship of our planet as expressed in our 7th Principle (Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part) as individuals, as a congregation, and as a part of our community.
PACEM – A Pillow for Every Head
Our members join an interfaith effort to provide breakfast and dinner and a place to sleep for homeless persons for one week twice a year — men in late fall, women in spring.
PACEM = People And Congregations Engaged in Ministry
Contact: Elizabeth Breeden
Partner Church
Partner Church Committee supports ongoing, mutually beneficial relationships with our UU partner churches in Oltheviz, Romania and Nongkrem, India. We foster increased cultural understanding through shared service projects and via visits and exchanges with our partner churches.
Contact: Margaret Gorman
Peace Action – United Nations (PAUN)
PAUN leads social justice discussions and actions that promote peace with justice and negotiations instead of war, opposes violence, serves as liaison to the UU-United Nations Office (UU-UNO), and partners with the local chapter of the UN Association of the USA. PAUN tables once a month on a timely peace and/or UU-UNO Issue for education and action.
Contact: Doris Glick
Racial Justice Committee
This group, begun early in 2016, serves as a coordinating and support group for our racial justice efforts.
Learn about our committeeContact: Christine Gresser
Refugee Welcome
We have responded to the International Refugee Committee’s (IRC’s) call to sponsor one refugee family. A number of recent refugees from Afghanistan and a smaller group from Congo will soon be arriving in Charlottesville. The IRC will secure their apartments here, and we will step up together to be sure one is ready, furnished and welcoming. Designated members of our congregation will visit regularly with the family during their first six months and offer them help in learning how to thrive in America.
Refugee Welcome News & ViewsContact: Refugee Welcome Task Force
Soup Kitchen (at The Haven)
Congregation members provide food, staff the kitchen, and serve meals to people in need in Charlottesville every Sunday. We prepare and serve lunch to 45-60 people per week through the participation of six rotating host teams.
Soup Kitchen News and InformationContact: Bonnie Hansen
Unitarian-Universalist Service Committee (UUSC )
The UUSC organizes national and world-wide social justice efforts on behalf of women, children and other oppressed groups. Special Social Action Collections are held when the UUSC announces a disaster relief effort, like the Somalia East Africa Drought Relief Fund.
Contact: Edith Good