Social Action Collection, Sunday Apr 26: Public Housing

Now is the time!

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The Public Housing Association of Residents or PHAR, as it’s better known, has been working “to educate and empower low-income residents to protect and improve their own communities through collective action.” That’s been PHAR’s mission since 1998 and at long last real resident led planning to redevelop Crescent Halls (a 105 unit apartment building for seniors and persons with disabilities) and build new housing and new replacement housing on South First Street over the next three years is ready and funded.

In the long term, all units of public housing will be redeveloped or modernized. Simultaneously, PHAR is working to improve the day to day conditions of residents at all of the sites as a vital piece of the overall redevelopment effort. This means having residents identify key maintenance and safety needs, and holding CRHA accountable for improved customer service.

The exciting part for us is that PHAR leaders are integrally involved. We are a key participant in helping residents have visibility and input to design, construction, relocation, post-construction and maintenance issues. This effort is being closely watched by housing sites all over the country and everyone is excited about resident-led redevelopment! PHAR is a scrappy little organization run mostly with volunteer board and advisory board members, interns and a couple of paid organizers. We need two or three times our current budget to keep up with the pace that’s being set and insure that the promise is kept for complete resident engagement. Now is the time! You can make a huge difference in the lives of public housing residents by making a significant contribution. Please help us turn hope into reality.