May Social Action Collection: African American Teaching Fellows

This month our the Social Action Collection is for the African American Teaching Fellows. AATF’s mission is to recruit, support, develop and retain a cadre of African American teachers to serve the children in Charlottesville City and Albemarle County. We seek to support Fellows with programming and resources that not only support their professional development, but also promote sustainability in the profession.

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One of the key tenets of our mission is the support and retention of African American teachers in Charlottesville City and Albemarle County Public Schools. Locally, the community serves over 18,000 students and employs more than 1,500 teachers, but there are fewer than 115 African American teachers working in our schools. AATF is building a robust network of alumni who call this community home, and from the first day of a Fellow’s teaching career, we work to make sure that beyond being great teachers, all of our Fellows feel at home in our community.

Nearly 30 percent of school-age children in Charlottesville and Albemarle County are African American, but less than 10 percent of their teachers are. The absence of African American teachers leaves many African American students feeling disconnected from school, and the disparity creates misperceptions and stereotypes that disadvantage all students, regardless of race.

African American Teaching Fellows wants to change that.

AATF believes that our public schools can break down these painful barriers. They can teach cultural dexterity, lead by example, and become statewide models for excellence.

We support the education of African American college students with financial support, professional development, job training skills, and connections within the Charlottesville-Albemarle community. Empowered to return to local schools and serve as the next generation of leaders, our Fellows become invaluable role models for African American students and prepare all young people to thrive in a diverse world.

When asked to share about the ways that AATF has impacted them the most, our Fellows say things like:

“AATF has given me a family.”

“I know that I have people who are always cheering me on.”

 “Teaching is really hard. I know that I always have a support system.”

“The professional development has helped me so much!”

We want to continue to provide these things for our dedicated Fellows. If our work, and the work of AATF Fellows, succeeds, future generations will grow up with the knowledge that our differences deserve celebration, our similarities forever multiply, and while skin colors speak to ethnic roots, we succeed through the strength of our spirits.