Rev. Tim Temerson, Jimmy Gorham & Angela Orbaugh
As Unitarian Universalists we often use the metaphor of the “journey” to describe our spiritual lives. Today we will explore what it means to make a spiritual journey as members of our congregation share their own stories and experiences.
Sharing Joys and Sorrows
If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud in this week’s community worship service, please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.
Prelude offered by Scott Deveaux
Welcome Rev. Tim Temerson
Call To Worship
Chalice Lighting
Hymn #347 Gather the Spirit
Time For All Ages “The Three Questions”
Sharing the Light
Hymn#414 As Leave this Friendly Place
Centering and Sharing
Offertory offered by Scott Deveaux
Reflections Jimmy Gorham & Angela Orbaugh
Closing Hymn#295 Sing Out Praises For the Journey
Benediction and Chalice Extinguishing
Postlude Offered by Scott Deveaux
Many thanks to this morning’s AV tech support from Sean Skally & Rachel Buckland and for the welcoming from in-house ushers, greeters, and hospitality teams