November’s Ministry Theme: The Gifts of Generosity
A Personal Earth
Laura Wallace, Speaker
Angela Orebaugh, Worship Weaver
The urgency of the era is reframing our relationship with the earth. What truly motivates personal and spiritual approaches to what the earth needs from us?
Humility and compassion give us strengths we can draw on rather than becoming numbed by despair or guilt.
We can find purpose, meaning and peace despite the grief and fear we feel as the world reels under climate change,
and we can face its reality together.
Prelude Scott DeVeaux
Welcome Angela Orebaugh
Bev Ryan, Board Member
Call to Worship Laura Wallace
Chalice Lighting
Opening Hymn #21 “For the Beauty of the Earth”
Meditation Laura Wallace
Ritual of Joys and Sorrows Meg Dunham, Pastoral Care Team
Offertory Scott DeVeaux
Reading Angela Orebaugh
Sermon Laura Wallace
Closing Hymn #1064 “Blue Boat Home”
Benediction and Chalice Extinguishing
Postlude Scott DeVeaux
Sharing Joys and Sorrows
If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud during the worship service, please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.