March’s Ministry Theme: The Practice of Trust
An Investment in Love: Pledge Drive Sunday
Rev. Tim Temerson, Jimmy Gorham, & Pam McIntire
With the world moving in unloving and unjust directions, the UU Congregation of Charlottesville is committed to putting love into action within our congregation and in the wider world.
Join us as we kick-off one of the most important and consequential pledge drives
in our congregation’s history. The service will be followed by a celebration
in the Social Hall as we invite everyone to make a generous financial commitment to
the UU Congregation of Charlottesville.
Welcome Rev. Tim Temeson. Sylvie Semmelhack, Board ofTrustees
Call to Worship
Chalice Lighting
Hymn #361 Enter, Rejoice, and Come In
Time For All Ages Exploring the Rainbow Chalice
Hymn #414 As We Leave This Friendly Place
Centering and Sharing
Ritual of Joys and Sorrows
Musical Meditation
Offertory & Social Action Collection for UUCville Food Ministry
Reflections Jimmy Gorham and Pam McIntire
Chorale Anthem “Hallelujah” Leonard Cohen
Sermon “An Investment in Love”
Hymn #1024 When the Spirit Says Do
Benediction & Chalice Extinguishing
Sharing Joys and Sorrows
If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud during the worship service, please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.