UU COMMUNITY WORSHIP: 11 a.m. Sunday, June 9, 2024:  “Resistance as Renewal”

 “Resistance as Renewal”
Rev. Tim Temerson and Mary Beth Wiley
“As the forces of hate, intolerance, and oppression grow louder and stronger, religious communities like the UU Congregation of Charlottesville are being called on to resist. But what exactly does it mean for a congregation to resist? Does it mean social activism, spiritual deepening, or something else altogether? Today’s service will explore these questions and ask how resistance is connected to our monthly worship theme of renewal.

Prelude    ​​​​                        offered by Scott DeVeaux
Welcome & Announcements      Mary Beth Wiley
Call To Worship           Words by Stephen Schick
Chalice Lighting
Hymn    #389 Gathered Here
Centering and Sharing
Ritual of Joys and Sorrows
Musical Meditation      offered by Scott DeVeaux
Reading       “A Spoke in the Wheel”
    by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Offertory     offered by Scott DeVeaux
Reading      “The Contemporary Church”
     Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Sermon                     “Resistance as Renewal”
Closing Hymn       #1017 Building A New Way
Benediction and Chalice Extinguishing​​
Postlude                          offered by Scott DeVeaux


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