UU COMMUNITY WORSHIP: 11 a.m. Sunday, April 21, 2024

April’s Ministry Theme: The Gifts of Interdependence

“Building Hope Through Action”

Kim Grover, Ellie Syverud, and Rev. Tim Temerson

Join the UUCville Ministry for Earth (MFE) as we celebrate Earth Day.  Today’s service will explore the power of taking action for building hope in the midst of a worsening climate crisis. The service will include music shared by the “Green Grannies,” reflections from our MFE co-chairs, and the creation of a “Tree of Hope and Commitment .” The service will be followed by EARTHAPALOOZA, featuring a Sustainable Eating Potluck, a native plant seed giveaway, and a wealth of information about sustainability and activism. Please join us!


Sharing Joys and Sorrows
If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud during the worship service, please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.