Read the Order of Service.
What Does it Mean to Come of Age as a UU?
As a culmination of their Coming of Age class, our 8th, 9th and 10th graders lead the congregation in worship at both the 9:15 and 11:15 services. Come and hear what our fabulous youth have to share about what it means to come of age as a Unitarian Universalist.
Instead of a sermon, this week we share statements of faith from seven of our youth. In order of speaking, they are
- Julia Landis
- Sahara Clemons (starts at 0.55)
- Jonah Goodman (2:03)
- Will Edelson (4:00)
- Ethan Harding (4:25)
- Hallie Pugh-Sellers (5:07)
- Ellie Ransom (6:15)