COMMUNITY WORSHIP at 11 am EST, MAY 15: Nurturing Beauty – Endings and Beginnings

 Each moment is at the same time an ending and a beginning. Rev. Linda shares some thoughts of what she has been learning in her own life of good-byes and hellos. Both she and the UU Congregation of Charlottesville are preparing for significant endings and beginnings this summer, and reflecting on how we observe the changes can add beauty to our lives.

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Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville


Choral Introit    We Come Here by Angela Salvaggione       UUCville Choir

Welcome                                                       Worship Weaver  Debby Norton

Board Secretary, Beth Jaeger-Landis

Opening Hymn    O, We Give Thanks!

Chalice Lighting

Chalice Song      Spirit of Life, by Carolyn McDade

Story  “Learning to Say Good-bye”                          The Rev. Dr. Linda Olson Peebles

Song    Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Harold Arlen                              Scott DeVeaux

Centering and Sharing                                                                                  Debby Norton

Meditation Offertory                                                                        Scott DeVeaux

Sermon    ”Endings and Beginnings”                                                               Rev. Linda

Closing Hymn 128       For All That Is Our Life  

Benediction and Chalice Extinguishing

Postlude                                                                                                         Scott DeVeaux

Many thanks for AV tech support from Sean Skally and Kelly Dryden, and for the welcoming from in-house ushers, greeters, and hospitality teams!

When we are live in the sanctuary, we will also live stream on YouTube at