The Practice of Repair
11 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024
“For the Gift of this Day, This Life”
Revs. Tim Temerson & Leia Durland-Jones
The Sunday prior to Thanksgiving is our congregation’s annual multi-bread
communion service. Join us as we explore how we can live our UU faith
in daily acts of acts of mindfulness, compassion, and gratitude.
All ages are welcome in the sanctuary!
A family-friendly space to participate in worship is available in the social hall.
Nursery care is provided during the service in the Lower Hall
for children 5 and under.
**Please bring perishable and holiday foods and/or cleaning supplies to share with others in our congregation whose budgets are tight.
Items can be placed on the chancel in the sanctuary. If you would like to take items home with you, please choose items from the chancel following the service.**
Welcome Rev. Tim Temerson
Call to Worship Rev. Leia Durland-Jones
Chalice Lighting
Opening Hymn #1010 We Give Thanks
StoryThe Parable of the Long Spoons
Musical Response#402 From You I Receive
Centering and Sharing
Blessing the Bounty
Multi-Bread Communion
Closing Hymn #163 For the Earth Forever Turning
Benediction and Chalice Extinguishing
Attend In Person or Link to Zoom Service
Sharing Joys and Sorrows
If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud during the worship service, please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.