April 1, 2018: A Rite of Spring

No fooling — On this morning when our Christian brothers and sisters celebrate Easter, we will have our annual “Rite of Spring” service of words, sounds, and images, to help us consider all of the “spring-inspired” truths our human kin have found and that we, and our world, so desperately need to hear.  [The TJMC Choir will be singing.]

The metaphor/image for the month of April is “Blooming Flowers.”  This is the beginning of our spring season when we consider questions of purpose.


There is also be Children’s Chapel in the church parlor each Sunday at the same time as there is Worship in the sanctuary.  The two are very different in form and “feel,” yet both are moving and can be powerful.  If you’ve never been to one or the other, you should try it out one week and see what you’ve been missing.

The UU Christian Fellowship meets holds its services on the 2nd Sunday (at 10:00am) and the 4th Thursday (at 7:00pm) each month.  (The UUCF is a welcoming place to explore Christianity and the life and teachings of Jesus in a liberal, open-minded, and non-dogmatic context.)

The Clear Spring Buddhist Sangha meets for zazen meditation and conversation each Wednesday evening at 7:00pm.  (All are welcome, regardless of prior experience.)

Each Wednesday at 11:30 there is contemplative worship for a time of renewal mid-week.  Participants can walk the labyrinth, stack stones under the oak tree outside the social hall, linger in the Memorial Garden, or sit in the sanctuary for a time of reflection, meditation, lighting Candles of Hope and Remembrance, writing in the Sands of Forgiveness and Atonement, journaling, or simply being silent and at peace.