“A Flame of Love, A Beacon of Hope?”: COMMUNITY WORSHIP: Sept 22, 2024

The Flaming Chalice is the symbol of Unitarian Universalism and most UU congregations begin worship services and other sacred occasions by lighting a chalice. But what exactly does the flaming chalice mean? Where did it come from and why is it so important in Unitarian Universalism? Rev. Tim will be joined by UUCville member and artist Flame Bilyué, whose work is featured in this month’s art show and includes beautiful paintings of the Flaming Chalice.

“A Flame of Love, A Beacon of Hope”
Rev. Tim Temerson & Flame Bilyue
UU Congregation of Charlottesville
September 22, 2024

Prelude ​​​​ Offered by John Mayhood

Welcome & Announcements Rev. Tim Temerson

Kay Frazier, Board of Trustees

Call To Worship

Chalice Lighting

Hymn #368 Now Let Us Sing

Time For All Ages A Chalice and an Artist

Hymn #414 As We Leave This Friendly Place

Chorale Anthem “We Come Together” Abby McGillivray

Centering and Sharing

Ritual of Joys and Sorrows Cindy Benton-Groner, Pastoral Care Team

Musical Meditation


Offertory Offered by John Mayhood

Reflection Flame Bilyue


Closing Hymn #118 This Little Light of Mine

Benediction and Chalice Extinguishing​​

Postlude offered by John Mayhood