November’s Ministry Theme: The Practice of Repair 11 a.m. Sunday December 1, 2024 “Born for Such a Time as This” Rev. Susan Karlson Many of us are trying to cut down on how much bad news we ingest after the election–all the fears, divisiveness, threats and concerns that crowd our inboxes and newsfeeds. Yet, some stunning […]
Rev. Leia leads this multigenerational service which reminds us that our UU faith calls us to keep growing, learning, and changing throughout our lives. Come experience how faith development opportunities in our congregation help us all keep growing into people who live lives of meaning, purpose, compassion and integrity. Order of Service “Commitment to Lifelong […]
Our guest preacher, Judith Tripp, MA, MFT, Leader of the women’s Dream Quest, will talk about her experience of circle building. Through stories of building the Dream Quest Circle in San Francisco, Portland and Charlottesville, Judith will reflect on her experience of calling circles of women who gather once a year to create the Quest […]
UUC’Ville member Frank Dukes is the Distinguished Institute Fellow at the UVA Institute for Engagement and Negotiation. He shares with us thoughts about his recent work with regional descendants of the enslaved, including planning for a local Truth & Transformation Commission. We come together… Prelude Prelude in B-flat major from Well-Tempered Clavier Book I, JS Bach […]
Led by Rev. Leia Durland-Jones Our UU faith asks us to use our reason to question what is and imagine new ways to think about things including relationships. Sometimes people think of science and imagination as opposites, but every good scientist will tell you that you need both imagination and reason to understand the world […]
Rev. Linda reflects on how the art form of improvisation could help us in our relationships with people who have ideas, cultures, beliefs that are different from our own. Can we all play together to make a joyful ensemble? The choir debuts their February anthem. Order of Service Improvising Beloved Community We come together… Prelude […]