The Board of Trustees met this past Wednesday evening on Zoom.
We enjoyed having several guests at this meeting. Stephen Blair made the suggestion to replace the Marriage Equality banner in front of the church that is getting weathered. Elizabeth Breeden and Lorie Craddock presented Capital Projects Report ideas for improvements that are needed for Summit House porch/ramp and sidewalk improvements as well as other needs. The board has taken a thoughtful approach to moving forward so this can happen as soon as possible.
The connection table is a wonderful place for the board to greet members after the service. Board Members are looking forward to making more connections! Great celebration that we are fully staffed for this year’s Religious Education program! The thorough financial reports were included in the agenda and will be available in the minutes. Thank you, Sean!
Hayley agreed to be the board liaison to the buildings committee. The board approved the establishment of a Capital Improvement Fund reserve account to move any excess funds that are raised for specific side projects such as the new signage account. Jimmy Gorham and Renee Brett discussed the board retreat stories that were shared and how they can be used along with congregational input in forming our mission statement. Several Board members agreed to be members of the Strategic Plan Task Force. This important work will begin soon and multiple members have also agreed to be a part of this initiative. Thank you to all involved!
Board minutes will be posted soon if you would like to read more detailed information.