Sabbatical: Reflections from Rev. Alex

By Rev. Alexandra McGee, Assistant Minister

As you read this, pause, look away from your screen and up at something beautiful, and take a deep breath.


Did you pause?

How did it feel to your eyes? Your breath?

That simple act of pausing is essential in all areas of life. To take a break, to allow renewal, and to return with a fresh perspective allows us to be present for the long run. The theme this month in our congregational reflection is “Healing.” I note that it is followed in December by “Stillness.” What might be possible in the stillness after healing?

This is my 10th year of serving this congregation. During that span, I have accomplished an internship, ordination, and my first renewal of preliminary fellowship with the Ministerial Fellowship Committee. During those 10 years, I have served with three different Lead Ministers, two of whom were interim. I have particularly ministered to this congregation in young adult ministry, memorial services, weddings, teaching Adult Faith Development, leading worship, and pastoral care. The congregation has served the wider community, served people within the congregation, and navigated many changes.

Unitarian Universalist congregations contract with clergy to have sabbaticals because it allows for long term health in ministry.

After the winter holidays, starting January 1, I will be on sabbatical. That means that my email and voicemail will direct people to other staff who can help them. I have been working with staff and other teams for smooth hand-offs. Memorials, sermons, pastoral care will be provided by others. I will not be at worship on Sundays with this congregation. I am grateful to the lay leaders who have cheered for me, because they believe in the value of renewal. I will be back in June.

I encourage you to reflect on what seasons of action and reflection mean in your life right now. Please know I want for you to have breaks for renewal, too. Please know that I hope that in the course of your relationship with this congregation, and your spiritual life, that you allow for seasons. For service, and for space, and for return.

Rev. Alex can be reached at