Reporter’s notes, September 2021 Board meeting

We did a brief check-in and approved the pre-submitted reports.  

Under “old business”, we discussed several issues at some length.  VP Elizabeth Breeden had provided a one page written summary of the designated gift policy and why it can be controversial to just accept designated gifts outright.  We discussed the concept of absentee voting, i.e whether members should be able to vote for resolutions put forth at congregational meetings, even if the members have not been present.  Finally we had an update from the membership task force, with the goal of more accurately enumerating our members, since several have either moved away, left the congregation, or passed on.  

For “new business”, Reverend Linda introduced the concept of “policy based governance”.  Linda had asked board members to prepare in advance by reading some online materials and watching a short video. Policy based governance distinguishes the board’s role as one setting vision and establishing oversight, as compared to a board focused on management and finances.