Refugee Welcome Letter From The Board

October 27, 2021

Dear Members and Friends:

During an uncertain time, it’s easy to forget how many voices might be calling us to stand on the side of love and welcome. We’re excited to introduce Refugee Welcome, a new outreach ministry for UUCville!

We have responded to the International Refugee Committee’s (IRC’s) call to sponsor one refugee family. A number of recent refugees from Afghanistan and a smaller group from Congo will soon be arriving in Charlottesville. The IRC will secure their apartments here, and we will step up together to be sure one is ready, furnished and welcoming. Designated members of our congregation will visit regularly with the family during their first six months and offer them help in learning how to thrive in America.

There will be needs for direct mentorship and for background assistance. As the family needs support, UUCville will be there to lend it. We’re joyful about this chance for our congregation to express the love and welcome many hearts have yearned to offer.

Congregants who responded to Rev. Linda’s invitation to join the Refugee Welcome Team have begun planning for this outreach, and together, we now warmly invite our entire church community to be part of it. Imagine all the ways you might need help if you arrived in our country after trauma, and with only the shirt on your back! Strangers in a strange land can use our help, and we joyfully invite ALL in our congregation to respond.

There will be a variety of needs that our community can help to fill. Please rely on the messages and updates from UUCville newsletters and on our website to learn what you can do or donate. The good news is that every person at UUCville can make a difference! This is a meaningful outreach ministry and we are grateful for the opportunity.

Please stay tuned to UUCville communications about what’s next and what’s needed.

In love and in welcome,

Members of the Board