Questions to Study at Home

Use the questions below to spark a discussion for all ages—especially between children and parents or grandparents. Try using them at mealtime or before board game night. Different questions are included in the section each week.

1. Besides our family members, who do you trust the most? What makes them trustworthy?
2. How is trusting pets and animals different than trusting people?
3. Can you tell me a story about a time when someone lied to you and how it felt?
4. Why do you think people lie?
Questions especially for adults/parents/grandparents:1. When do you trust yourself most as a parent, and when do you feel the most self-doubt?
2. Has it ever been hard to trust that your children will find their way?
3. What have you trusted since childhood?

Return to the Discussion Throughout the Week
Thoughts develop with time. Find opportunities to bring up particularly compelling questions again during the month, maybe on walks, rides home, when tucking your child in to bed, etc. If thoughts grew or changed, notice that together, how we are all evolving beings, opening ourselves to new truths and understandings as we live our lives and connect with others.