President’s Report to the Board & Congregation

September 2024

We are beginning our third year of Developmental Ministry. You can find our Developmental Ministry webpage here:

This month, I want to give a brief review of our progress on our Developmental Goals. Please note that there are so many things going on at UUCville, it is impossible for me to remember everything.  I apologize for what I have missed.



UUCville Sunday Welcome Table

After many Congregational Conversations, we adopted our Mission Statement on June 3, 2023:

The UU Congregation of Charlottesville builds community through love in action. Together we cultivate a safe and welcoming place for all. Together we nurture mind, heart, body, and spirit. Together we work for equity, justice, and peace for all people and the planet.

On June 9, 2024 at our Annual Congregational Meeting, we approved our Long Range Plan to guide us in our work in our mission. You can read the full plan here:

While these are wonderful first steps, we understand that our mission and our plans will evolve as we learn from each other and the larger Charlottesville community.



UUCville Young Adult Group

Our Membership committee has been working hard to help us be more welcoming to newcomers. We have Newcomers meetings after church once a month and Membership classes regularly.  

Rev. Tim has been meeting with numerous groups in Charlottesville to explore potential partnerships. UUCville is currently collaborating with several community partners including Sin Barreras, Ebenezer Baptist Church, PACEM, The Haven and IMPACT.

UUCville at Charlottesville Pride Festival

Our children’s RE classes used the Growing Anti-Racist UUs: A Curriculum for Children last year.

The Adult RE program “Transforming Hearts” was a huge success last fall.

We had a Young Adult Open House this month.

UUCville had a wonderful presence in Cville Pride this year.



Rememberence Garden

Our Stewardship Steering Committee is working hard on many aspects of stewardship.  

  • Developing and distributing the Stewardship. Caring, Sharing, Giving quarterly newsletter. 
  • Presenting volunteering opportunities with the popular Service Fair
  • Supporting our successful Pledge Drive
  • Examining Planned Legacy Giving

Our budget updates are available to all on the website

Our Gardens and Grounds Committee, Buildings Committee and Remembrance Garden group have been taking care of our campus and making it beautiful.



We have an impressive Communications Committee. They have created a fantastic website that they update frequently to keep us all informed.  Our weekly email newsletter tells us about all the latest happenings. And now, we have group texts about important events.

We are striving for transparency, healthy communications and respect in all our interactions.

We have made a strong beginning on our Developmental Goals and we have a lot planned.  Please tune in next month for the update on how the board will support our Long Range Plan this year!

Pam McIntire
UUCville Board of Directors