In the next months, the board will be supporting new and ongoing actions for the UUCville Three Year Plan that was approved by the congregation in June. It is an ambitious plan with many great ideas and tasks. It will take all of us to bring it into full Love in Action.
At the September board retreat, the board will decide which parts to focus on this year. We will determine which of all the many actions in the plan will be our new actions and how we will continue to focus support on the ongoing successes.
Below is a sample of ideas from the plan that we will consider for broad actions and each of the four areas of the Long Range Plan:
Possible broad actions for the Board
• Reconstitute a Committee on Ministries
• Appoint a task force to re-examine the governing structure of the congregation to maximize our ability to be mission and ministry-driven
• Make the Stewardship Steering Committee (SSC) a permanent congregational committee
• Appoint a Volunteer Coordinator
• Develop Leadership training
I. Cultivating a safe and welcoming place for all
• Develop a Comprehensive Building and Grounds Plan
• Enhance our Sunday morning Greeter program
• Support targeted outreach to UVA graduate students and other young adult communities and Provide young adults with staff/lay leadership and support
• Create a board-appointed Safe and Welcoming Team and Undertake and complete a wide-ranging Inclusivity audit of all UUCville ministries and programs
• Develop a UUCville Marketing Plan
II. Nurturing heart, mind, body, and spirit
• Expand CareNet to support additional caring needs
• Expand Pastoral Care Programs & Support Groups
• Grow our Faith Development Ministry
• Increase the breadth and depth of our faith development ministry for all ages
• Center the children in the congregation, supporting parents, and providing more connections across generations
• Strengthen our Labyrinth Ministry.
• Expand Opportunities for Embodied Spiritual/Physical Healing
• Engage in “Beyond the Service” programs through periodic conversations about the service/sermon theme
• Continue to enhance worship and music programs
• Develop a Multigenerational Family ministry by Establish a Family Ministry “Council”
• Support and expand our Elder Ministry
III. Equity, justice, and peace for all people
• Establish a series of opportunities for members of the congregation to learn about topics related to inequities
• Promote opportunities for UUCville members to be proximate with people we accompany, mostly in marginalized communities
• Enhance our Partnerships with groups in the larger community.
• Establish a Racial Justice Committee
• Establish a Reproductive Rights and Justice Committee
• Establish an LGBTQ+ Justice Committee
• Explore re-invigorating the Social Justice Council
IV. Equity, justice, and peace for the planet.
• Build on our existing partnerships that promote sustainability
• Renew our commitment to UUA Green Sanctuary Program
• Participate in at least one Cville community environmental project per quarter
• Offer two environmentally-themed Sunday services per year
• Hold sustainable eating potlucks quarterly
• Develop Adult Faith Development and Young Adult/YRUU classes and activities on how to live more sustainably
• Share recommendations from the energy audit with the Building Committee
• Facilitate church participation in at least one Lobby/Advocacy day per year to advocate for pro-environmental legislation
This is going to be an exciting and productive year for UUCville. I look forward to seeing the results of our actions.
Submitted by, Pam McIntire, President