December 10, 2017: Giving Birth

Chalice Lighting:  The mystic  Evelyn Underhill wrote, “The Incarnation, which is for popular Christianity synonymous with the historical birth and earthly life of Christ, is for the mystic not only this but also a perpetual Cosmic and personal process.  It is an everlasting bringing forth, in the universe and also...

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December 3, 2017: Oh Star

When I was in high school, our concert choir sang a piece that really moved me deeply.  Every time we sang it, when we got to this one particular part, I would find myself tearing up.  And not just whenever I was singing it, whenever I’ve listened to it since...

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November 26, 2017: Giving Thanks

Each year, on the Sunday following Thanksgiving, our congregation observes a bread communion. This year, members of the community were invited to share treasured Thanksgiving stories. Because of the spontaneous nature of the stories, they are not included here. Only the prepared remarks of the minister and worship weavers are...

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October 22, 2017: Teach-In

This service was part of the second UU White Supremacy Teach-In, which encouraged (and challenged) UU congregations around the country to look intentionally and explicitly at the ways we all participate in white supremacy culture. Peter Walpole contributed an original piece for the Opening Words, “Three Fifths Compromise.” I’m want...

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October 8, 2017: Spiritual Roots

This month we are exploring the image of Roots.  I am especially moved by the images on the altar in which glass jars show the roots which support these plants and draw up nourishment from the water. Today I am enquiring about our spiritual roots.  I am encouraging all of...

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October 1, 2017: Story Sunday

Read the Order of Service. We will have guest preacher Walter Clark.  (Walter received his Master of Divinity from Meadville Lombard Theological School in spring of 2016. He was an intern at the First Unitarian Universalist of Richmond for two years as well as an intern at the Fellowship of...

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