Out with the Old – In with the New & a Sign Blessing

Congregation photograph by David Shutt

One last look…

In September 2022 the Church Signage Task Force was formed and charged with providing a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for updating and/or replacing the sign on Rugby Road to reflect the congregation’s name change from the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville. Task force members were Breck Gastinger, Steve Brecker, Liberty Powers, and Elizabeth Breeden. Before the Board decision, the congregation weighed in on several options provided by the task force.

Through the generous contributions of anonymous donors who put in place a $2,500 matching donation, members of the UUCville congregation rose to the challenge and raised the needed $5,000 to replace the Rugby Road sign.

On March 9th, 2023, a crew from Gropen, Inc. descended onto the UUCville campus.

Ripping the old letter off the wall. Apparently, not as easy as one might think.

Photographs by Breck Gastinger

On April 16, 2023, after Community Worship, we gathered on the front steps for a blessing and dedication of the recently installed sign bearing our congregation’s new name.

It was also our congregation’s 80th Birthday — a perfect day for a sign dedication and blessing!

Rev Leia and Rev Tim gave the blessing.

It was a joyous affair.