October Art Show: BozART Gallery Group Show

Featured Artists

Judith Ely
Sara Gondwe
Zainab Haider
Shirley Paul
Juliette Swenson

Reach them at www.BozArtgallery.com  

Judith Ely

Judith has been drawing all of her life and painting for the last thirty years.  Judith spent fifteen years honing her skill with watercolors and then branched out into acrylic and multimedia painting. She has studied art and experimented, taking part in artists’ groups in Central Virginia all along the way.  In addition to local training, she has been involved in an online group, Art2life, since 2016. This experience expanded her training and brought her to paint more intuitively drawing her subject matter from her soul.

Judith Ely is an abstract artist and muralist using acrylics, collage, markers and oil pastels in her works. She is a member of the McGuffey Art Center in Charlottesville, Va. and has gallery representation at Annie Gould Gallery, Gordonsville, Va.

Website – www.judithely.com
Facebook – Judith Ely Art
Instagram – judith.ely.art

Following Christ
Acrylic, Pastel crayons, 20×16       $330

The artist uses soft yellows to lead the viewer toward the glow of Jesus from the busy world we live.

Acrylic, Collage, 40×30.       $680

The path leading to the light above enters into many of Judith’s paintings.  The influence is the rich feeling of hopefulness.

The Door to Repentance
Acrylic, 18×24        $425

The viewer’s eye should gravitate toward the door to repentance which we all need.

Sara Gondwe

Retiring to the Charlottesville area from Gettysburg, PA to paint with passion in 1917, Ms Gondwe is a self-taught abstract painter.  She uses a unique technique new to the Art World.  Scraping bits of crayon onto canvas, wood or metal, a household iron becomes her brush as it melts, glides, taps to create fascinating designs.  Ms Gondwe has won numerous awards including Artist Choice at Luray with Shenandoah Arts, Best in Show at Fluvanna County Arts Council in Palmyra, Honorable Mentions and Third Place in National and Regional juried shows at the Fredericksburg Creative Center for the arts.

Google:  sara gondwe art
YouTube:  Sara Gondwe

Floral Fantasy
Melted Crayons (iron). acrylics, 36”x15”                                 $400

Painting floral fantasies lifts my spirit, settles my soul, and invites peace and calm into my life.

Butterfly Haven
Melted crayons ( iron), Acrylics, 36”x36”                 $550

Underwater Cavern
Melted Crayons (iron), Acrylics, 36”x24”.               $400

When I paint I enter into a temporary time period devoid of problems, sadness and depressive thoughts.  It is the time of “Don’t worry — Be Happy!”, renewal and discovery, imagination and delight.

Zainab Haider,

Zainab has found her artistic expression focused on figures and abstract impressionism, where she likes to use her brush to reflect on nature, humanity, society, and the beauty and complexity of our world. She likes to paint in oil and acrylics as she feels that these two mediums provide rich colors and help in conveying the ideas she wants to express. Zainab occasionally employs the use of the palette knife in her works.  The artist’s works have been displayed in several galleries, including solo shows at La Galeria Gallery, C-Ville Café, and BozArt Gallery.


Cerulean Symphony,
15″ x 30″, Acrylic     $300

This is a flight into the symphonic beauty of the sky.

Reverie Voyage
15″ x 30″, Acrylic     $300

This is inspired by the shapes, colors and jouneys our dreams take, shifting and twisting to reflect the beauty and wonder we see in our everyday lives.

Shirley Paul

My work falls into the category called “Intuitive” or “process” painting. This is the practice of meditating with brush in hand. It requires the suspension of fear, expectations, and the analytical brain. I allow the painting to evolve based on my vision, love of play and experimentation. Currently, I am moving in the direction of conveying the look of the geological formations in the Southwest US, and of social commentary.

Any Whichway
Acrylic, 16×20       $275

Hidden Gold
Acrylic, 16×20    $275

Undersea Things
Acrylic, 8×10            $80



Juliette Swenson

I became interested in watercolor as a result of learning to do silk painting as a French resort in the Caribbean.  Now, I can’t imagine using any other medium. I am attracted to painting animals and often people comment on the animals expressions and their large eyes which are fun to capture. I used to wonder what I wanted to paint and now I am usually full of ideas on what I want to attempt next. I use lots of bright colors to show off the versatility of watercolor. I also have a streak of whimsy that sometimes appears in purple ears or turquoise eye lashes – on animals only!


Two Calves
Watercolor, 19.5×17     $435

Are you friendly?  Their togetherness is touching.

Watercolor, 19×13.5     $310

Even a lion can have a quiet moment.

“Hurry Up” Geese
20×12     $260

Get out of our way!