nUUts & bolts Stewardship


Getting the Social Hall Doors Locked!

Here’s a quick tip on getting the Social Hall Door to lock during this wicked spell of humidity!





Many of us know about the ongoing issues of water intrusion in older buildings. Our church buildings are not exempt from these issues and this year we’re focusing on affordable and lasting repairs. First up in the water coming into the Lower Hall. This issue only happens when there is severe rainy weather. Last year we had several companies make recommendations as to how to fix this issue. We had recommendations of all new gutter systems, a portico over the doorway, a new door system, and others. All of these were beyond our resources.

However, we had also been building a relationship with one of our vendors and he suggested swapping out our downspout gutter for a larger capacity. It could be a preliminary fix that would tell us if we needed more major repairs. He did the replacement last week and yesterday I ran to the window during the rain storm and did a gleeful dance at seeing the result. You’ll note in the before photo there is drainage happening in the downspout but there is still a huge waterfall over the doorway, this was the water that was then going into the Lower Hall. In the video you will see the huge difference in water flow that is now being properly directed away from the building.
Next up are the leaking window wells into Lower Hall 1 & 2. We’ve already repaired the gutters above those window wells and are now fashioning coverings for the window wells to direct rain water away from them entirely. They are not done yet so please, if you see them this Sunday, know they are a work in progress.

nUUts & bolts is a new communication channel that I’ll be using to tell you more about how your generous stewardship is helping keep our campus in shape. There is a lot to communicate and this is just a start so if you can please hold your questions until the end of September, I’m hoping you’ll find that many of them will have been answered.

YoUUrs in service,
Christina Rivera
Director of Administration & Finance