Pastoral Letter: Connected Even Though We Are Apart

March 14, 2020 Dear Church Family, We are indeed in challenging times as we join the rest of the world in facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Your church Board Executive Committee and Senior Staff, with the advice of the TJMC UU Medical Advisory Committee, carefully considered our need to close the...

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Important Announcement

Dear Friends, What is happening: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board Executive Committee and Senior Staff have decided to suspend all church use until April 26th, 2020. This decision comes after consultation with medical professionals from within our congregation; review of information from the CDC; consideration of the...

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Get Involved: Spotlight on Hospitality

Sunday Hospitality – Building Community One Cup at a Time! After Sunday service we all have the opportunity to gather in the Social Hall for coffee, tea, and snacks or for a delicious cup of soup on Soup Sundays. We see friends, welcome visitors and, most importantly, share an hour...

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VIDEO: Task Force to Explore Ordaining Leia

The Task Force to Explore Ordaining Leia recorded the “Dreaming Your Soul’s Purpose” service and Leia’s sermon is available to watch here. Many of you have asked what ministry means to Leia; here’s the answer, in her own words. We will host a conversation with Leia Wednesday evening, March 11...

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2020 Pledge Drive: Extraordinary Possibilities

Greetings to all my fellow members and friends of Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church-Unitarian Universalist. As a congregation and faith community that shares common goals and strives to live the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism, we have recently completed several months of looking inward and taking stock of who we are,...

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How is Our Church Funded?

A pledge is a paper or online card we submit with the amount of financial support our household commits to providing the congregation in the following year. As a congregation, we use our financial resources to provide spiritual development, promote UU values in the wider community, be good employers, and...

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GET INVOLVED: Spotlight on Leadership

“It makes me happy to serve the congregation especially in this important time of transition. I would tell other members who are not yet involved: ‘Don’t wait to be asked, let people know you are interested.’”  – David Shutt, Chair Committee on Ministry This is an important time in our...

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PACEM: Serving the Homeless

Our church will be hosting the women of PACEM from February 8 to 14, 2020. Each Sunday from now until January 26 we will have sign up sheets in the social hall after the service for church members to contribute food or offer to help serve dinner. If you would...

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January Social Action Collection: PACEM

PACEM is an emergency homeless shelter, located at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church for two weeks each winter. We provide food, shelter and compassionate support during the coldest months of the year to folks who would otherwise be sleeping on the streets of Charlottesville. We rely heavily on the local faith...

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Board News

The complete December draft minutes are now available here. This document also included reports from the president, vicepresident, treasurer, assistant minister, and director of administration and finance. These are the draft minutes, and as such may contain mistakes or inaccuracies. *** PRESIDENT’S REPORT DECEMBER 2019 Season’s Greetings to one and...

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