Listening Circles in the Park, Sat Oct 17

October 17 10am Listening Circles in the Park Have you missed being in-person with others from our congregation? We are inviting people to gather at a park closest to their home on ***Saturday, October 17 at 10AM.*** Bring a chair, a mask, and join a socially distanced time for conversation....

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How To Support Leia’s Ordination

The Ordination Committee is delighted with the plans for Leia’s ordination! With joy and celebration, our congregation and honored guests will be a part of two sacred events. A formal ordination ceremony via Zoom on October 18 at 4:00pm and a parade afterwards. An in-person celebration when it is safe...

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TJMC-UU Votes to Change Name of Church

On September 27,  following months of congregational conversations, and years of consideration, we, the Unitarian Universalist congregation in Charlottesville met virtually to vote to remove the words, Thomas Jefferson, from our name.  More than 95% present voted in favor of this change. This vote reflects our aspirations to continue developing...

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Name Change Initiative FAQ

FAQ Why do people want to remove Thomas Jefferson’s name from the name of our church? In recognition of the evolution of context around Jefferson’s name, and the impact this name has on a diverse and progressive community, the Board of Trustees and many TJMC-UU members have come to the...

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Cottage Conversations Compiled Notes

Through the month of September 2020, members of the Board-appointed Task Force hosted several “cottage conversations” each week so that the congregation could meet and discuss their perspective on the church’s use of the name Thomas Jefferson. Here is a compilation of the conversations. Thank you to everyone who participated...

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Timeline of the Name Change Initiative

2011  UUA votes to change Thomas Jefferson District to South East District.   2015  Summer. The Considering Our Name committee is launched and becomes an official committee under the Admin Council. Jeanine Braithwaite and Laura Wallace act as Co-Chairs, and the committee meets through November.   2016    February. Laura...

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