Zen Heaven and Hell

This Buddhist wisdom tale, author unknown but hosted on Unitarian Universalist Kat Liu’s page, Wizduum.net, helps us understand one piece of healing that is within our control, and that is our response. Suffering ends, and healing begins, when we stop letting our emotions control us. Share the story with your...

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Join SWIM: The UU Gathering between Christmas and New Years

By Stephanie Lowenhaupt UU-Charlottesville Member   Wondering about Christmas Holiday plans and not being able to travel? Here is an opportunity to connect with other UU’s around the country.   Are you interested in connecting with a diverse group of friendly and fascinating folks.? SWIM (Southeast Winter Institute Unitarian Universalist...

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Thanksgiving Message from Rev. Leia

November 2020 Dear Friends, The season of thanks is upon us and although these are challenging times, there is still much to hold in our minds and hearts with gratitude. However you are marking Thanksgiving Day this year—whether with those in your immediate household or with friends and family over...

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Holiday Wreath Making Party

Holiday Wreath Making Party Saturday December 5, 12 – 4 PM Join us to make wreaths, centerpieces and ornaments for the holidays! We will have materials for making wreaths, holiday centerpieces and ornaments to hang on the church’s new evergreen tree.  The treasure chest will be available for children to...

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CBS-19 Coverage of UU-Cville Letter to Police

CBS19 News reported on UU-Cville’s letter to the Charlottesville police yesterday after the letter received increased attention on social media. https://www.cbs19news.com/story/42919723/church-writes-letter-to-police-over-potential-racial-profiling-incident The original letter can be found here.

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Artists: Submit Your Work to the Holiday Craft Show

Church artists and crafters are welcomed to show their crafts for sale to our beloved community by posting photos of work for sale on our website. Not more than 10 photos of work along with brief commentary should be sent to art@uucharlottesville.org and interested buyers will show their interest through...

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Notes from Sunday Chapel: Healing from Conflict

Hello Friends, Last Sunday in Chapel/Faith Development, we explored November’s theme of “Healing.” We talked and shared our ideas about what “healing” means and also recalled that our UU faith teaches us that healing can take work. After a fight with someone, we can sometimes feel so upset or angry...

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Newcomer Orientation Sunday Nov. 15 at 4pm

Visitors, newcomers, and those who are returning to after a time away, are welcome to join us on Zoom for the UUCharlottesville Newcomers Orientation on Sunday, November 15, at 4:00pm. Hosted by Rev. Linda Olson-Peebles and the Membership Committee, with Board Representative Beth Jaeger-Landis, this gathering is designed for new...

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