Video: Board President Discusses the Budget

The Finance Committee, alongside church leadership, work hard all year to manage and guide the stewardship of our congregation’s finances. Listen to Board President Lorie Craddock explain our recent budget and financial history. To review our line-item budget, please look at the church Finance Page. To read the text of...

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March Art Show: Ruby Reed Guy-Wolnick

Ruby Reed Guy-Wolnick is a 5th grader at Mountaintop Montessori in Charlottesville, Virginia.  She has always loved art and drawing. In January, 2018 she started taking oil painting lessons with local artist Renee Balfour.  What she loves most about oil painting is blending all of the different colors.  She especially...

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Looking for Leaders. We Want Your Input!

We Want Your Input The Nominating Committee searches for candidates in key roles on the Board, Personnel, Finance and Nominating Committees. These positions are important because they not only deal with sensitive issues, but also the direction that the church takes. As leaders, they have the opportunity to work closely...

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Make A Dance Video!

To help us celebrate the successful Pledge Drive this year, the Pledge Committee and ministers are inviting you to dance into the Community Worship Service on April 11. Please make a brief video of yourself (alone or with family members) dancing in your happiest way, and send it by April...

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A message from Rev. Linda

ANNOUNCING THE 2021 PLEDGE DRIVE  I AM LINDA OLSON PEEBLES – So Honored to be your Interim Lead Minister, and excited to offer you encouragement for this year’s Pledge Drive which invites you to BE THE LIGHT. Now is the time.  Even though the pandemic has kept us apart physically for...

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Have Your 2021 Pledge Matched

New this year: all new pledges, as well as the amounts of increased pledges, will be matched by generous donations to the pledge-matching fund. Together we fund the future we wish to see. If you like the work the church is doing, make a pledge to support it for the...

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The most important IMPACT event before the Action on March 25th is TUESDAY IMPACT’s annual RALLY* is Tuesday, March 2nd, from 6:30 to 8pm, via Zoom. All 25 IMPACT congregations will gather to hear updates on our housing and education work, and a majority of city councilors will be there...

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Dessert Party to Kick Off Pledge Drive

Let Us Gather for the UU Sunday Night Virtual Dessert Party to launch our pledge-drive and celebrate the generosity of our congregation. Bring your favorite dessert and enjoy special musical offerings - including a song by our own Rev Linda!

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