Happy Birthday Virginia James, 103!

UUCville member Virginia James turns 103 today. She celebrated this year with an article in the Daily Progress. Read The Secret to a Long Life. She says “It takes more muscles to frown than to smile, so I would also say that smiling is my secret.” We celebrated her 100th...

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Coming of Age Community Service at UUCville

For those who may not be familiar, Coming of Age is a Unitarian Universalist faith development program for middle and/or high schoolers. The youth spend the year together exploring Unitarian Universalism and their own beliefs and values. As is always the case in our faith, there is no indoctrination, no...

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President’s Report to the Board: May 2023

I am looking forward to our Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 4 after the service. What a lot of work goes into getting all the moving parts of the meeting organized! In addition to hearing brief reports on congregation life in the last year, we will have several important votes...

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Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville – 2023 Slate of Candidates for Board of Trustees and Committees

The Nominating Committee is pleased to present the 2022-2023 slate of candidates for the Board of Trustees and committee positions. We will vote for the Board of Trustees and other leadership positions at the annual congregational meeting on Sunday, June 4, 2023. For more information about the Congregational Meeting click...

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Afghan family - Refugee Welcome. Front Row: Breck Gastinger, Nasrat, Haji Muhammad, Hikmat, Saeeda, Regina White, and her daughter Second Row: Lara Gastinger, Sharon Baiocco , Burnie Davis, Rev. Tim Temersen

Rev. Tim Meets the Ghaznavis

Front Row: Breck Gastinger, Nasrat, Haji Muhammad, Hikmat, Saeeda, Regina White, and her daughterSecond Row: Lara Gastinger, Sharon Baiocco , Burnie Davis, Rev. Tim Temersen May 10, 2023Sharon Baiocco On a beautiful May morning, Rev. Tim met with the Afghan family of four whom our congregation has been assisting through...

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Record-Setting Social Action Collections

One of the hallmarks of the UU Congregation of Charlottesville’s commitment to social justice is our monthly Social Action Collections. Every Sunday, those in the sanctuary and online are invited to make donations to a local organization or church program that is working for justice and equity here in Charlottesville and...

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UUCville Mission Statement Update

As part of our Developmental Ministry Goals, the Mission Task Force is working on a Mission Statement for UUCville. We will develop a statement that expresses our purpose or in other words, why we exist.  We hope that it will speak to the hearts and minds of our congregants and...

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Watch the 2023 Budget Conversation with Pam & Kay

Pam McIntire, Board of Trustees President, and Kay Frazier, Treasurer held a budget conversation on the 2023-2024 proposed budget on May 7, 2023.     Budget documents for 2023-2024 proposed budget: FY 2023-2024 Proposed Line-item Budget and Memo FY 2023-2024 Proposed Program Budget

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