Board of Trustees June Meeting

The UUCville Board of Trustees met this Wednesday, June 29th in person to celebrate the end of the Board term. The potluck celebration was the final meeting for outgoing Board members Breck Gastinger and Steve Brecker, and the first for incoming members Achsah Carrier and John Griffith. The Board spent...

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New President for the UUA!

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) has elected its first woman of color, and first openly queer, president. Receiving 95.5% of votes, the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt was elected President of the UUA at last week’s UU General Assembly. Betancourt, who holds a Ph.D. in Religious Ethics and African American Studies...

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Labor of Love UUGuys Style

About 6 months ago the UUGuys decided to take on a project to give back to the church. Previously they’d power-washed and painted the cupolas outside the social hall doors.  This time they decided to tackle the stairway to the lower hall at the Memorial Garden.   The Prep Work:...

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Snack Donations Needed for Youth Appalachia Service Project Trip

Our congregation’s youth need our loving support while they are on their service trip to Appalachia during the first week of July. You can offer this in a tangible way by sending them with snacks! Here’s the SignUpGenius link (thanks to Karen Moulis for putting it together!) Directions for...

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FOCUS: Pride Month and a new LGBTQ+ Ministry

As most are undoubtedly aware, June is Pride month, which is a time to affirm and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. Festivals, parades, and a variety of events remind us of the courageous struggle so many make day in and day out to be welcomed and loved for who they are....

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New Mission Statement Approved at Congregational Meeting

  Fulfilling one of our Developmental Ministry Goals, UUCville adopted a new Mission Statement at the congregational meeting held on June 4, 2023.  We hope that it will speak to the hearts and minds of our congregants and to the broader world. Mission Task Force co-chairs Jeanine Braithwaite and Chris...

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2023 UUCville Yard Sale and Bake Sale

Saturday, August 19, 2023 from 8am-12 noon HELP NEEDED Saturday August 19 Volunteer to help with the sale on the 19th Click here to sign up Volunteer to bring baked goods for the BAKE SALE Click here to sign up   Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Yard Sale Sorting and...

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May 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Report

The Board of Trustees met this past Wednesday evening on zoom. The board had a vigorous discussion on the new Mission Statement put together by the Taskforce. The board thought it a beautiful and artistic statement that aptly captures what UUCville chooses to stand for. The board voted to move...

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